Tuesday 14 February 2017

One For The Heart - Self Love

Today being Valentine’s Day there is a massive outpouring of LOVE…. It is worth considering though that there are many who only feel this day enforces the fact that they don’t have a love in their life, someone to adore and cherish them. Maybe this day makes many feel worthless and unworthy of love. Maybe many are feeling grief for the love they have lost or separated from.

So how about we turn that on its head and we make this day a day to pledge to really LOVE ourselves for the next 365 days no matter what happens and then see what unfolds. To love ourselves even if we are feeling perhaps sad, angry, ashamed, lonely, frustrated, heartbroken, embarrassed, confused…..the list goes on. How about starting your own LOVE REVOLUTION that beings with you?

How about loving yourself that much that you are willing to let go of something you are holding onto that is causing you so much sadness. How about allowing the process of healing to start to take place? How about allowing when you open those emotional gates to see and acknowledge whatever is there even if it is the darkest place you could go? Embracing the shadow and the light, giving it room, giving them equal reverence. Even when that shakes up everything that has become your belief system, your world, the ground you are standing on.

This is a massive step and I know because I have been on my own healing journey with this and it has become my mantra, to keep loving myself no matter what comes up. LOVE is the only answer and LOVE is the greatest healer of all.

My safety net has been the integration of NIKKEN products that have safely, gently, worked along side other therapies and have helped hold me, supporting my nervous system, my sleep, my energy levels, my immune system, my focus, supporting my darkest days of despair and allowing me to come out the other side each time with renewed energy and determination to carry on even though the path seems long and sometimes even impossible.

There are many Nikken products to choose from but what I suggest is to perhaps to start with the Waterfall Water and the mStrides - Magnetic Insoles first. The water because 70% of our bodies are made up of water and most of us are dehydrated, many chronically. The Waterfall water passes through an incredible filtration process first cleaning the water and then alkalising, ionising, oxygenating and energising. For a healthy body you need good clean alkaline energised water and also for any healing process to start. The mStrides because they are energising and help your energy stay balanced through the day and so easy to pop into you shoes and slippers, and they go everywhere with you!

May I invite you to share this with anyone who you feel it may resonate with?

Please do contact me if you would like to have an energetic experience or more information.

Contact me Angela Pinem for more information or leave a comment or visit http://nikkenergize.com/angelashop.htm

Good luck, be brave and know that there will be comrades on the way who will love and support you when you least expect it. Also be ready to receive LOVE in the most unexpected of times.

The mStrides

The Waterfall


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