Monday 28 November 2016

Would you Love to Sleep Better?

Do you feel there are never enough hours in the day and you just have to grab a few more late at night or early in the morning? Do you habitually burn the candle at both ends? Or do you attempt to get enough sleep but feel the quality is not what you need? Do you have a partner who snores or overheats? Is your bed too cold in winter and too hot in summer?

There is much advice about sleep but it isn't always practical in our modern lives. As a central component of their Wellness Home Nikken offers a passive aid that aims to improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep. The Nikken sleep system (comprising duvet, pillow, eye mask, and mattress topper - available separately or as a set) is the best investment I have made for my family. There is also a sleeping bag known as the Cocoon.

If you are serious about investigating this groundbreaking technology, and changing the health of you and your family, have a look at these video links below:

Official Nikken Sleep system video (6mins) 

And another more lengthy (32mins) one on how Sleep Matters by Dr Gary Lindner

It am always available to have a chat with you to find out more about your sleeping patterns and what might help you once you've had a chance to have a look at the links. Please feel free to contact me to learn more.

Many thanks, Angela Pinem

Friday 25 November 2016

The Power of The Chips

I want to talk about how these fantastic Kenko PowerChips From NIKKEN with Far-Infrared Technology & Negative-Ion Technology have helped my family in so many ways.

First of all for Nico helping with his balance and strength on his right side after his stroke. He never goes anywhere without 2 in his right pocket of his trousers and shorts. He also wears one in his shirt pocket over his heart area.

Post stroke Nico had a couple of the PowerChips under a head band around the area where the stroke happened on the left side of his head.

When Nico saw the cardiologist last week interestingly enough he was so pleased with his recovery. He said ' You are doing really well with your recovery' bearing in mind the last time he saw him he was in a hospital bed paralysed down his right side a few weeks after his stroke.

Nico's stroke was apparently caused by Mitral Stenosis -which is a calcification of the heart valve which means for Nico his valve was not working properly, but he never had symptoms.

We want at all costs to avoid an operation to either repair or replace his valve. For now the Dr says he doesn't need an operation and I'm staying with that - hopefully he will never need an operation. 

The brain can rewire given the right healing conditions and constant repetitive exercise of the areas affected. Nikken will play an important part in his stroke and heart recovery along with daily exercise, supplements, good clean diet and breathing exercises.

My son had a bad football injury in his hip and he wasn't able to play football or train. We couldn't tell if it was a tendon or muscular, but during that time he had a knee wrap which he pulled up over his hip area and slept every night with 2 of the PowerChips over the area. It was really painful but only in certain positions. Within a couple of weeks he was back playing football and training with no pain now at all.

The PowerChips have also been such an important part of my daughters healing when she shattered her right elbow joint. But I will talk about this on a separate post.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Why is Nikken Water Good For You?

  • It hydrates you - 75% of us are typically dehydrated.
  • You can absorb the water better. This is demonstrated by you not feeling the water sitting heavy in your stomach like you do if you drink a glass of tap water. You also do not wee it straight out like you do with normal water.
  • The water energises your cells.
  • The water is alkaline with a ph of approx. 8-9 (most bottled, and Britta, water is acidic) - acidic diets can contribute towards many health problems such as osteoporosis and diabetes.
  • The all-in-one multi-stage filter removes contaminates present in tap water - these include heavy metals and chlorine (see below *).
  • Most alternative filtration systems take out good stuff aswell as the bad.
  • The Nikken filter adds essential minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and sodium.
  • Many filtration systems waste alot of water - very bad for the environment and your water rates! The Nikken Pimag Filter uses 100% of the tap water.
  • The Nikken filter is a countertop model - no plumbing required, quick and easy straight out the box.
  • It is also therefore relatively portable and can be moved around the kitchen or house or office, or even taken on holiday.
  • Very good flow rates - much quicker than many alternative brands. The system's 5 litre tank will refill in a matter of minutes.
  • Very good filter replacement rates - the filter is good for 900 litres (for a family of 4 using the system for all their drinking and cooking needs this will usually translate to about 3 months).
  • The water has antioxidant effects.
  • The water is oxygenated.
  • The water is ionised.
  • The Nikken water systems use special BPA-free non leaching plastics.
  • The water activates your thirst mechanism which is normally suppressed or misinterpreted (often as hunger). The more Nikken water you drink the more you want! This helps rehydrate you quickly. Try it!
  • The light velvety water tastes great - you will not enjoy tap water after tasting Nikken water.
  • Drinking lots of Nikken water will fill you up making you feel like eating less (thus being an advantage as part of a weight management diet).
  • At £215 for the unit plus £36 for replacement filters the Nikken system is one of the cheapest home water filtration solutions on the market. The replacement filters run at approximately 4p/litre on average, considerably cheaper than buying in bottled water.
  • Tested and verified by the Water Quality Association of America with "Gold Seal Approval".

How does it do these things?

The Nikken PiMag Waterfall system aims to convert tap water into natural spring water.

The water system contains a multi stage single filter which extracts harmful materials and adds beneficial minerals.

The water flows over a bed of mineral stones which serve to replicate a natural mountain stream.

A 1,200 gauss magnet energises and conditions the water.

Through these processes the structure of the Nikken water matches the hexagonal shape of nature (like a snowflake) and forms in microclusters so the water molecules can be absorbed easily into our cells.   Tap water molecules are much more difficult for the body to process before absorption for a number of reasons; they are clumped together and contain a different mineral content to nature's water, they contain heavy metals and other contaminants that the body needs to filter first before absorbing. Your liver is essentially doing the job the Nikken filter does. This is why we tend to pee more when we drink lots of tap water. 

* In tests The Nikken PiMag Water Filter showed the following percentage reductions versus UK tap water: Arsenic 68%, Cadmium 87%, Chromium 90%, Lead 91%, Copper 87%, Nickel 83%, Aluminium 95%, Iron 73%, Mercury 96%, Chlorine 90%, Metaldehyde (pesticide) 84%, Organophosorus (pesticides) 61-97%, Acidics 70-94%, Urons 62-90%, Organochlorine (insecticides) 90-99%, Triazines (herbicides) 66-76%, Chlormequat (plant growth regulator) 72%, Trihalomethanes (THM's) / Solvents 72-95%, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) 80-86%, Phosphorus 91%, Glyphosate (herbicide) 80%.

The picture below shows the effects on a sweet potato left for 5 weeks in tap water, reverse osmosis water, well water, and nikken pimag water (respectively left to right).

The Nikken Pimag ® Waterfall £215 rrp + p&p (in UK) (Europe and Worldwide delivery available)
Please visit or call Angela on 0790 606 4691

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Healing The Trauma of A Stroke - Family & Nico

Its hard to even begin to describe how Nico's stroke has ripped our family apart at the seams and after a year and a half right now seems the hardest time. But I am going to start with the first days and weeks and how we coped as a family and how important the Nikken products were in supporting us in our grief, anger, tears and total devastation.

When I first arrived at the hospital after a couple of hours drive, the first time I saw Nico after his stroke, not knowing if during that journey he might not make it. I knew I had to give him homeopathic remedies for shock and trauma and that, that alone could of taken his life. But I had to put that out of my head and just trust that he would make it and I would get to see his smile again.

Soon after arriving at the hospital I started to give him Arnica and Aconite, I only had 30c and alternated them every hour until my brother arrived who had seen a homeopath and brought new remedies which I gave him every hour for 48 hours. He also had some crystals under his pillow and on his heart chakra.

I also took Aconite and Arnica and the remedy Lotus. I had to hide that I was giving them to him as I knew I would be told that I wasn't allowed to. That was just the beginning of many stages where I had to think outside the box and just go ahead with the knowledge I'm doing this for Nico and I had to stand up to that in the hospital. There really is nothing they can give you to help with the healing from a stroke. Yes there is the clot buster drug but that just does the job it is supposed to do and that is if you get help in the first 3 hours. The consultant new from the brain scan it had been much longer than that before Nico got to hospital, so the brain damage was severe.

But I never gave up hope, I had to listen to all the worst case scenarios which shook me to the core but inside a voice kept saying and my friends and family, you don't know how this is going to be, I have to remain positive for our children and most of all for Nico. I would go and cry and then come back to his bedside as if nothing had happened. I never told him what the Dr or consultants said and told them not to also, I just kept telling him he can do this, he will be ok, we will get through this.

When all the Nikken products arrived a couple of weeks after is stroke I was so excited, it felt like the cavalry had arrived! I knew these products were not only going to support Nico in his healing journey but myself and our children.

For us at home we all had the sleep system, so important that we could get into bed knowing that our poor shattered nervous systems would be supported in our sleep, and for me I would be able to sleep and actually be able to get up and face the day. I was struggling with that big time before it arrived. Also knowing that the children who were so upset and so frightened would be supported and have peaceful sleep too and be able to face school. They also wore the power bands at night and when we watched a film and were on the sofa together it was never without the Kenkodream Quilt, and sometimes we would bring one of the mattresses down and have that too for extra support. It make us feel so safe and so warm in such exhausting times.

Nico in hospital had his insoles in his socks before he learnt to start walking and when he started physio in his chair. He was sitting and sleeping on the Kenko Seat, he had his power bands on, the water which we had at home too. Also the supplements Greenzmes and Complete Balance. I went backwards and forwards to the hospital a couple of times a day, bringing meals. I washed and dressed Nico every day as the nurses were so stretched and he needed that as a young man to keep his dignity and sense of self.

I would never have been able to keep going if it wasn't for the Nikken products, I don't know how I did do it, but I had to. I knew that when I wasn't there Nico's nervous system was continuing to be held and supported and his body and spirit energised so it could heal and deal with the trauma and shock, it made it easier to leave him each day, as hard as it was.

I never have had a day without my insoles in my shoes and my power bands, they are an absolute must. Plugging me and the family into natures frequencies with all the other Nikken products and then being in nature as much as we could was also vital. As soon as I could get Nico out of the hospital in a wheel chair I did. There is a lovely church near by with a gorgeous green small garden where you could feel the sun on your face and hear the birds sing. It was so important to escape from the hospital environment, which was relentlessly noisey, busy,  and depressing especially as some of the patients were acute and some passed away and they were all much older. We needed it to keep our spirits up. It was really difficult handling a wheel chair even though it wasn't that far away, but I was blessed as there was always a kind soul there to help when I was struggling to push him up the slight hill.

After five weeks Nico was transferred to the Neuro Rehab Unit and it all changed again.

Friday 1 April 2016

The Following Weeks

The prognosis for Nico’s recovery was totally heart breaking, the Doctors showed me the scan of his brain where the area of brain damage was. They basically told me the worst case scenario and left me with no hope really. That he would be severely disabled and that they couldn’t tell me if, when and how much he would regain. The cardiologist found that his heart valve was calcified probably cause by rheumatic fever as a child along with atrial fibrilation which is when the heart beats irregularly, the 2 together they say caused the clot to form in his heart and which ultimately caused the stroke.

It had left his right side paralysed completely and no speech at all. He was now living in half his body and unable to communicate. I decided that there was no way he was going to hear the prognosis and what he needed was the healing power of love and positivity. I also new that he needed therapies for the trauma and shock, a clean diet and water and something that was going to fire his path of recovery.

This is when I decided to invest in NIKKEN products. Having been to an in-house demo just 2 weeks before Nico’s stroke I was pondering over what products to order. Now I just wanted as many of the products on him and for the family to support us too.

The Nikken products arrived about 3 weeks after his stroke. These are the products that I first used  on Nico in the hospital:

The Nikken sports socks, these helped hugely with the circulation which was compromised on his right leg, it was always cold. I put in the socks the mStrides Magnetic insoles.

He lay, slept and sat on the Kenkoseat all the time. He was very lucky that his core muscles were so strong that we was able to sit within a couple of days of his stroke.

I brought in water from the Pimag waterfall and he had the sports bottle which I could fill up at the hospital too.

I massaged his right side every day with the Kenko Magduo and spun it above his head.

He wore the Power Band necklace and bracelet all the time.

He had the Complete Balance supplement sachets which I put the Jade Greenzmes into also.

This is what happened and what I immediately noticed.......

Wednesday 9 March 2016

The First 48 hours

Before I arrived at the hospital which I had to travel to for 3 and a half hours up North, I didn't know if Nico would make it or not or that I would see him again. I literally arrived at the hospital with the only healing tools of some crystals which were pocket size and good quality, some aconite 30c and arnica 30c homeopathic remedies and the intention that he was going to make it. I believe that those did actually save his life. During that first week he was in and out of consciousness, the brain and body's way of trying to protect itself from the huge impact of the trauma it was going through.

I was told that the first 48 hours after a stroke are crucial, the surgeons wanted to perform an operation to remove a small part of the skull to expose the brain as it was so swollen. I didn't allow it as I had to give my permission, my feeling was this operation could potentially kill him before I even reached the hospital. Within 24 hours of arriving at the hospital he was rescanned in the early morning, it showed that the swelling in his brain had already come down and he wouldn't need the operation, that was the first major hurdle to get over. Also he had survived the night and could swallow.

He spent 1 week in that hospital on the Acute Stroke Ward, it was shocking for me that Nico being 41 years old was the youngest patient there, but strokes are on the increase in the young and even teenagers and children can have them. After 1 week he was well enough to be transferred nearer to home. That is when a whole new healing journey started as I was able to access Nikken products and healers.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Nico's Stroke Recovery

The first thing I noticed after Nico, my husband, had a left cerebrovascular accident - a severe stroke to the left side of his brain in March 2015 was that he was extremely dehydrated. Water was at that point I would say the most important thing that his body needed as his brain was so swollen, inflammation in his body and in total shock. Even though he was on a drip it made no difference because the water he was being given was not the right frequency, alkalinity and had no minerals, it was really 'dead water' to his body.

Nikken water has been fundamental in his recovery. The first time I gave him the Nikken water he drank about a litre straight off, his body new exactly what it needed. Our bodies are 70% water, if we are in a state of dehydration which most people are we can not even begin to be healthy let alone start to heal from major trauma.

Please click on the link here and listen to the talk by Nicki Edgell, it tells you all you need to know about why NIKKEN WATER really is for LIFE.

Saturday 13 February 2016

Sitting and Standing - Miracles Start to happen a month after Nico's Stroke

What I noticed very quickly when Nico started to drink the Pimag water and to sit on the Kenko Seat I brought into hospital, was he was more alert.  He had the mstrides insoles in his socks, his right side was warmer for a start, as the circulation was compromised on his right side, aches and pains became less. Also as he wasn't able to walk, he could sit on the bed without falling to the side and in the chair by his bed, his core muscles were strong and his balance was good, he was lucky.

The KenkoSeat I moved from the chair to the bed so that he was always on it. Being so lightweight and comfortable it was easy to do.

He started to have more energy and sleep less. He was energised and started to try to stand. Then he was standing one day and all the nurses were telling him to sit, his consultant was amazed on her rounds one morning to see him standing, but he didn't want to sit - he wanted to start to learn to walk again. And sure enough within a couple of weeks of having the Nikken products on him he started to learn to walk - a few steps to start with. Hard and very exhausting work in physio, but all the time the Nikken products were energising and supporting his healing, so when he was resting or sleeping his body had the perfect environment to heal and the therapies he started to have in hospital, acupuncture, Bodytalk and Cranial, those therapies were energetically anchored in by the Nikken products which increased the healing potential.

He had his Powerband necklace and bracelet on his right wrist, he wore them all the time.

He stopped bruising as badly from the heparin that was injected into his stomach and warfarin into his arm. Plus the constant blood tests.

His appetite was so good, I have to say I cooked and brought in all his meals, Nico's diet at this point was fundamental for his healing I had to make sure it was balanced, no processed foods, a good clean diet and I supplemented between meals with the Nikken Complete Balance and Greenzymes which he loved. What was amazing was that by the end of 5 weeks in hospital after his stroke he had gained weight not lost any at all! And had started to take his first steps.

At this stage we were given no hope for his recovery, that is the norm with brain injury no certainty, no reassurance. I had no idea if he would actually be able to walk again, the speech part of his brain so terribly damaged and I was told that his right arm may never be usable, the bottom line was he would be disabled but to what extent no one knew. I decided that I would never tell Nico any of this 'prognosis' and I knew in my heart that this was not his future and he was going to have to to really fight and how could he do that if he thought it would be in vain.

Nico is an incredible fighter, there was no way he was going to stay sitting, it was to his down fall as he fell, and at that point he had to realise he had to have help and needed to build his strength, it did shake him up, luckily he didn't break anything but it only fired his path to keep trying. Also knowing that he had 2 young children who desperately were willing him to get well too.

When he was transferred to the Neuro rehab unit at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath, his healing and strength went up a whole new level.