Saturday 25 February 2017

17 Good Reasons to Drink Nikken Water

It is now well known and accepted that the amount of water you consume everyday plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body - experts recommend drinking 8 to 10 glasses (about 2 litres) of water each day to maintain good health.

This has to be pure water. Teas, coffees, carbonated water, fizzy drinks and fruit juices do not count - the body sees any such beverages as food and treats them completely differently to water. Furthermore many are high in caffeine and sugar, are acidic, and are actually dehydrating thus achieving the exact opposite of what you are aiming to do with water.

But not all water is equal so what water should we drink? Is tap water too full of contaminants? Is bottled or mineral water a better alternative? Or should I invest in a home water filtration system, and if so, which type?

Japanese wellness company Nikken's water filter system take its inspiration from the fresh streams of Japan, where the benefits of mineral rich, alkaline spring water have been known for centuries. This is the idea behind the Nikken Pimag® Waterfall which seeks to recreate pure natural spring water in your home at an economical cost. Read on to discover 17 good reasons why we think Nikken water should be your drinking water of choice:

"The healthiest water on the planet." 

  1. Nikken Pimag® water is particularly efficient at hydrating you - humans should generally be made up of around 70% water (and more in the brain) but 75% of us are typically dehydrated. Many symptoms of unwellness are the same as the symptoms of dehydration and rather than being fundamentally unwell a person may just be dehydrated.

  2. The Nikken water is energised, structured and conditioned by a unique filtering and magnetic system which crucially aids its absorption by the body's cells. This is demonstrated by you not feeling the water sitting heavy in your stomach like you generally do if you drink a glass of regular tap water. This improved absorption also means you will not wee it straight out like you do with normal water.

  3. The Nikken water activates your thirst mechanism which is normally suppressed or misinterpreted (often as hunger). The more Nikken water you drink the more you want! This further helps to rehydrate you quickly. Try it!

  4. This encouragement to drink more and more water will not only rehydrate you, it will fill you up and satisfy your "hunger" thus being very useful as part of a weight management diet.

  5. The water is alkaline with a ph of approx. 8-9 (most bottled, and Britta, water is acidic - less than ph7, and most tap water is ph neutral, around ph7) - acidic diets can contribute towards many health problems such as osteoporosis and diabetes. Alkaline water can help contribute towards better body balance by counteracting the increased acidity of our modern diet. 

  6. Acid to Alkaline - the pH (l to r) respectively of Flavoured Water, Sparkling Water,  Bottled Water, and Nikken Pimag

  7. The all-in-one multi-stage filter removes contaminates typically present in tap water - these include heavy metals, pesticides, and chlorine. Two thirds of fluoride is also removed.

  8. Most alternative filtration systems take out the good minerals as well as the bad leaving pure, clean, but "dead" water. The Nikken system adds back essential minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese and sodium.

    A carrot after 5 weeks sitting in respectively Tap, Bottled, and Nikken Pimag, water

  9. Many filtration systems waste a lot of water - very bad for the environment and your water bills! The Nikken Pimag Filter uses 100% of your tap water.

  10. The Nikken filter is a countertop model - no plumbing is required and the system is quick and easy to use straight out of the box, with a small work surface footprint. It is therefore also relatively portable and can be moved around the kitchen or house or office, or even taken on holiday.

    The Pimag Waterfall - in the box

  11. The Nikken Waterfall is a gravity fed system with good flow rates - much quicker than many alternative brands. The system's 5 litre tank will refill in a matter of minutes.

  12. The system has very good filter replacement rates - the filter will last for 900 litres (for a family of 4 using the system for all their drinking and cooking needs this will usually translate to about 3 months).

  13. Nikken water is oxygenated and naturally ionised (without artificial electrolysis). The water has antioxidant properties as demonstrated by an improved Oxidation Reduction Potential reading - the ORP - over tap water and bottled water.

  14. The Nikken water systems use BPA-free non leaching bio-degradable plastics.

  15. At £215 ($256) for the unit and £36 ($27) for replacement filters the Nikken system is one of the cheapest home water filtration solutions on the market. The replacement filters work out at approximately 4p/litre on average, considerably cheaper than buying in bottled water.

  16. Nikken water can also be obtained from any tap when you are out and about via the Nikken Pimag Bottle - excellent for travel including airports.

  17. The system has been tested and verified by the Water Quality Association of America earning a "Gold Seal Approval".

  18. And last and by all means not least the light velvety water tastes great! You will not enjoy tap water after tasting Nikken water. Come to a Nikken demo near you and try some!

  19. The Nikken Bottle, and Waterfall

    If you would like to learn more please leave comments or questions below, or visit my site at Alternatively you are most welcome to ring me Angela Pinem on (0044) 790 606 4691.

    To order Nikken water products direct online please visit my online shop for UK customers. We can also ship to Europe and elsewhere - please call for details.

    Nikken water - the easiest way to immediately improve the health of you and your family.

    Business Opportunity:
    Nikken are looking for new collaborative entrepreneurs! Do you enjoy networking and meeting people interested in self development and health? Do you think you could sell Nikken water filters? If you would like to talk about joining my team please give me a call or visit for more information.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

One For The Heart - Self Love

Today being Valentine’s Day there is a massive outpouring of LOVE…. It is worth considering though that there are many who only feel this day enforces the fact that they don’t have a love in their life, someone to adore and cherish them. Maybe this day makes many feel worthless and unworthy of love. Maybe many are feeling grief for the love they have lost or separated from.

So how about we turn that on its head and we make this day a day to pledge to really LOVE ourselves for the next 365 days no matter what happens and then see what unfolds. To love ourselves even if we are feeling perhaps sad, angry, ashamed, lonely, frustrated, heartbroken, embarrassed, confused…..the list goes on. How about starting your own LOVE REVOLUTION that beings with you?

How about loving yourself that much that you are willing to let go of something you are holding onto that is causing you so much sadness. How about allowing the process of healing to start to take place? How about allowing when you open those emotional gates to see and acknowledge whatever is there even if it is the darkest place you could go? Embracing the shadow and the light, giving it room, giving them equal reverence. Even when that shakes up everything that has become your belief system, your world, the ground you are standing on.

This is a massive step and I know because I have been on my own healing journey with this and it has become my mantra, to keep loving myself no matter what comes up. LOVE is the only answer and LOVE is the greatest healer of all.

My safety net has been the integration of NIKKEN products that have safely, gently, worked along side other therapies and have helped hold me, supporting my nervous system, my sleep, my energy levels, my immune system, my focus, supporting my darkest days of despair and allowing me to come out the other side each time with renewed energy and determination to carry on even though the path seems long and sometimes even impossible.

There are many Nikken products to choose from but what I suggest is to perhaps to start with the Waterfall Water and the mStrides - Magnetic Insoles first. The water because 70% of our bodies are made up of water and most of us are dehydrated, many chronically. The Waterfall water passes through an incredible filtration process first cleaning the water and then alkalising, ionising, oxygenating and energising. For a healthy body you need good clean alkaline energised water and also for any healing process to start. The mStrides because they are energising and help your energy stay balanced through the day and so easy to pop into you shoes and slippers, and they go everywhere with you!

May I invite you to share this with anyone who you feel it may resonate with?

Please do contact me if you would like to have an energetic experience or more information.

Contact me Angela Pinem for more information or leave a comment or visit

Good luck, be brave and know that there will be comrades on the way who will love and support you when you least expect it. Also be ready to receive LOVE in the most unexpected of times.

The mStrides

The Waterfall

Monday 13 February 2017

One From The Heart For Valentine's Day

On the eve of Valentines Day where everywhere we see symbols of the Heart, I want to talk about the importance of looking after and really being present in our HEARTS.

From my own personal experience over the last 2 years since Nico had his stroke I have felt and watched the effect the shock, trauma, and grief has had on my family's precious hearts.

For me personally I have particularly noticed this in the last 6 months where the grief has manifested in my heart. I have felt palpitations, breathlessness and deep sorrow and ultimately pain in my heart. This seemed to be only really noticeable at night when all is still and we are alone with our feelings and the mind chatter.

For me my biggest comfort has been to get into the Nikken Sleep System - the magnetic mattress topper, duvet and pillow. Cocooned in a magnetic layer of Far-Infrared Technology, Ionic Comfort Technology (releasing negative ions) and RAM - enhancing the Earth's natural energy. It has brought such relief to my nervous system which has then allowed me once in a calmer state to be able to meditate my way out of the constant sadness, anger, pain.

I also have put one of the Magchips on a ribbon and I wear it all the time so it is resting on my chest in the day and at night.

What I have noticed is that as the grief stages have come and gone the Nikken products have supported me through this stage so that I have been able to transcend the pain and keep going through the process, not deny it, so that I am able to be emotionally present for my children and husband and be able to cope. I have actually woken up amazing refreshed and energised!

Getting into the Sleep System is really priceless, it is difficult to put into words how much my family all love it because of the comfort and support it brings.

The unique Nikken Sleep System

It is so important to listen to our Hearts, be in a heart felt place, even if it is really painful, respect our hearts and keep loving ourselves whatever arises.

If you would like an experience of the Sleep System please do get in contact with me.

Contact me Angela Pinem for more information or leave a comment or visit

Sunday 12 February 2017

Essential Family Support

There are so many times over the last 2 years that Nikken products have supported our family and today is no exception. My 14 year old son called me this afternoon from town very distressed. He arrived home about 15 minutes later in a very anxious, shocked adrenal state. I immediately got him on the Nikken Seat and wrapped the Cocoon Sleeping Bag around him and also gave him some homeopathy and told him to sit and when he was ready, to tell me what had happened. Once home and in a safe environment the magnets started to work their magic and began to support his nervous system and he was able to calm down and express the emotions of what had unfolded. I also gave him a few glasses of the Waterfall water at the same time, in fact we all had a few glasses as we were all upset.

Providing the right environment for healing is so important, to allow whatever needs to be processed without stopping the process but supporting it.

I love the Nikken seat so much, so easy to pop in the car, take on a train, I take it to work as I am surrounded by computers, and can sleep on it... As for the sleeping bag, I don't know anyone who I haven't wrapped it around who hasn't instantly fallen in love with its warm, cosy, comforting soft inside, the perfect blanket if we are all on the sofa watching a film - a Cocoon of warmth and support and we all need a bit of that in this cold weather! Or even in Summer we love the comfort that the magnets bring.

Also the beauty of Nikken products is that they safely work along side other therapies helping anchor in and support healing.

    The Kenko Seat, the Waterfall, and the Cocoon - essential family support

Please contact me Angela Pinem for more information or leave a comment or visit

Sunday 15 January 2017

The Kenko Light - Ideal for Dark Times

Light, whether at home or work, has a huge effect on our well-being

The Importance of Light

Of course there are many factors that affect workplace productivity and well being. But according to a recent report one that is usually fairly low down the list for most employers is office lighting. However a recent study conducted by the American Society of Interior Design indicated that 68 percent of employees complain about the lighting situation in their offices. When you think about it this shouldn't be too surprising. Lighting, whether for work or domestic purposes, is obviously important both physically and emotionally.

The best light you can get is natural light. So if you can sit near a window that is ideal. However that isn't always possible. In some large offices, and especially large department stores, there can be many hundreds of square footage of artificially lit ceiling, without a natural daylight window in sight. Even outside of work we rarely take the opportunity to absorb natural light; it is now estimated that most of us spend more than 90% of our time indoors. In winter many people go days without seeing any natural light at all.

Natural light has been proven to boost productivity far more than the artificial overhead lights with which many company buildings are filled. If that isn’t an option, buy a lamp with a focused point of light and point its beam at your immediate workspace.

The Drawbacks of Artificial Lighting

Employees most often complain of lighting that is either too dim or too harsh. Dim lighting can cause eye strain and headaches, because, when lighting is inadequate, the eyes are forced to work much harder in order to see. Dim lighting can also result in drowsiness and lack of focus, which would obviously have a negative impact on employee motivation. On the other hand harsh lighting, is much more common than dim lighting and is just as harmful. Florescent lighting is particularly unkind on employees, known to cause a number of negative effects including eye strain and migraines - we wouldn't dream of having these monstrous light tubes in our homes so why do we think it's ok in the office?

The Nikken Kenkolight is ideal for home or office and retails for £120 in theUK

Be Natural if You Can

The best alternative to harsh lighting and dim lighting systems is of course natural light itself. In a UK study published in “The Responsible Workplace,” it was shown that windows were the number one determinant of the occupants’ level of satisfaction with a building! This effect is due to lighting’s ability to affect the human body in two ways: directly, in the form of affecting what and how well we are able to see, and indirectly, in the form of effects on our mood, behaviour, and even hormonal balance.

Natural lighting renovations have been shown to result in happier workers, less absenteeism, and fewer illnesses, and, because better lighting encourages satisfaction among workers, it also results in increased productivity.
A major office renovation may initially involve some cost of course but many companies are finding the gains due to energy savings and more importantly productivity more than make up for the cost of the initial investment. And it doesn't necessarily need to cost too much. There is nothing to stop individual employees installing their own desk lamp to alleviate the negative effects of overhead lighting. Many employers will be happy to provide these. By pointing a local light over your work space you can reassert some control over your personal light and banish annoying overhead shadows.

Light Designed to Replicate Sunlight

Where you are confined indoors most of the time, whether at home or at work, it is advantageous to use  full spectrum lighting. Our eyes respond better to artificial light which closely replicates the intensity and range of colours found in natural daylight. People who work under full spectrum light report feeling less tired and moody and experience reduced eyestrain. These types of lamps are also beneficial for alleviating the effects of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which is naturally problematic during the long winter months.

The Nikken Kenkolight is a full spectrum natural daylight lamp that comes with an adjustable arm which makes it ideal as a desk spotlight or a background mood light. Equally suitable for home, work, office or bedroom, the lamp has three brightness settings, a LED display clock, an alarm (with gradual waking setting if desired), and USB port.

To learn more about the Kenkolight please have a look at this factsheet or feel free to contact me for details.

Grateful sources for this article:

Monday 28 November 2016

Would you Love to Sleep Better?

Do you feel there are never enough hours in the day and you just have to grab a few more late at night or early in the morning? Do you habitually burn the candle at both ends? Or do you attempt to get enough sleep but feel the quality is not what you need? Do you have a partner who snores or overheats? Is your bed too cold in winter and too hot in summer?

There is much advice about sleep but it isn't always practical in our modern lives. As a central component of their Wellness Home Nikken offers a passive aid that aims to improve both the quantity and quality of your sleep. The Nikken sleep system (comprising duvet, pillow, eye mask, and mattress topper - available separately or as a set) is the best investment I have made for my family. There is also a sleeping bag known as the Cocoon.

If you are serious about investigating this groundbreaking technology, and changing the health of you and your family, have a look at these video links below:

Official Nikken Sleep system video (6mins) 

And another more lengthy (32mins) one on how Sleep Matters by Dr Gary Lindner

It am always available to have a chat with you to find out more about your sleeping patterns and what might help you once you've had a chance to have a look at the links. Please feel free to contact me to learn more.

Many thanks, Angela Pinem

Friday 25 November 2016

The Power of The Chips

I want to talk about how these fantastic Kenko PowerChips From NIKKEN with Far-Infrared Technology & Negative-Ion Technology have helped my family in so many ways.

First of all for Nico helping with his balance and strength on his right side after his stroke. He never goes anywhere without 2 in his right pocket of his trousers and shorts. He also wears one in his shirt pocket over his heart area.

Post stroke Nico had a couple of the PowerChips under a head band around the area where the stroke happened on the left side of his head.

When Nico saw the cardiologist last week interestingly enough he was so pleased with his recovery. He said ' You are doing really well with your recovery' bearing in mind the last time he saw him he was in a hospital bed paralysed down his right side a few weeks after his stroke.

Nico's stroke was apparently caused by Mitral Stenosis -which is a calcification of the heart valve which means for Nico his valve was not working properly, but he never had symptoms.

We want at all costs to avoid an operation to either repair or replace his valve. For now the Dr says he doesn't need an operation and I'm staying with that - hopefully he will never need an operation. 

The brain can rewire given the right healing conditions and constant repetitive exercise of the areas affected. Nikken will play an important part in his stroke and heart recovery along with daily exercise, supplements, good clean diet and breathing exercises.

My son had a bad football injury in his hip and he wasn't able to play football or train. We couldn't tell if it was a tendon or muscular, but during that time he had a knee wrap which he pulled up over his hip area and slept every night with 2 of the PowerChips over the area. It was really painful but only in certain positions. Within a couple of weeks he was back playing football and training with no pain now at all.

The PowerChips have also been such an important part of my daughters healing when she shattered her right elbow joint. But I will talk about this on a separate post.